1Z-3: The Debt ceiling: good goal, bad methods

It is early January 2023, and the United States government is in debt.

However, making threats is not the right way to solve the problem.

Republicans want us to stop increasing the national debt.

This is a very good goal.

As a Democrat and a Liberal I wholeheartedly agree.

However, threatening to shut down the government, or something similar and drastic, is not the solution.

We need to get together and talk it out.

And agree- together- on a plan to get rid of the national debt.

It is important to make sure that our finances are taken care of.

But if there was a gang fight in your house, you don't worry about whether your morgage is paid off.

You stop the gang fight.

The American government is in a gang fight right now.

Republicans are trying to destroy Democrats.

We need to plan a way to get rid of the national debt in a way that makes the gang fight go away, not a way that causes more pain and fans the flames.

We need to talk it out and come up with a plan like rational adults.

If a small business was in debt to the bank, it is good to help them get rid of the debt.

But coming at them with a baseball bat will not help.

Picking a fight will not help the United States government.

We need to talk it out rationally, and come up with a plan for getting rid of the national debt.

Not try to get rid of the national debt by picking a fight.

Please, picking a fight is the last thing the United States government needs right now.

Instead, if we try to get together and talk it out, the national debt can be an issue that brings us together and stops the fighting.

If we only try to talk it out and come up with a plan for ending the national debt together.

This can be something that unites us and ends the gang fight!

And, Biden- that means accepting their terms! We need to talk this out! I thought you Democrats were more willing to talk it out than this!

One more thing: Republican voters may care a lot about this issue, but Republican politicians do nothing about it until there is a Democrat in the White House!

Republican voters care about this issue but Republican politicians seem to only care about it as an excuse to pick a fight with Democrats with!

Because when they had the White House and both houses of Congress under Donald Trump they did nothing about the national debt!

If Republican politicians had half the integrity of most Republican voters, the national debt would have been gone within two years of Donald Trump assuming the presidency!

God loves you! Democrat and Republican alike! We'll get through this!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson