This is why we don't act like traditional gentlemen anymore in America!

We are searching for something better!

We are experimenters here in America.

And as I was watching a rock and roll performance on Youtube ('Telephone Rock' from Sesame Street), I realized that this is why we don't behave like traditional gentlemen here in America.

We realized the flaws, the narrow vision, of the traditional 'western' gentleman- the narrow mind that rejected things that are different, giving rise to racism and European Imperialism

And we set about experimenting with what to replace it with!

And in the time of the beatniks and the Hippies, boy did we experiment!

Thing is, we are still in the process of figuring it out!

Big things like how to be a true gentleman are worth doing right, and we are still in the process of figuring it out!

When we do, there will be a whole new, more open-minded, new idea of how to be an American gentleman!

And it will probably look a little like President Obama and the first President Bush- at least in its more characteristic forms!

But we are still in the process of figuring it out!

For a big thing like this is worth doing right!

America is heading places!

We'll get there!  We just need time!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. America will get past this current (2023) mental crisis- all in good time!  Germany and France have gotten past far worse!  And I do believe that by now (2023) the worst has passed!