In defense of the US Supreme Court in 2024

I just read an article about someone who secretly taped two Conservative judges in the United States Supreme Court, and what the Conservative justices said was enlightening.

I know that a lot of people are upset about the overturning of Roe vs. Wade.

But this is a divisive, hot-button issue that our civilization is nowhere close to reaching a consensus on, and that makes it a very difficult issue to judge.

It is beyond the scope of this comment to judge whether they made a mistake in their ruling.  But suffice it to say, getting this one wrong is like getting the most difficult question wrong in the Mensa test.      It is very difficult to judge an issue when the civilization around you has not reached a consensus on it yet.

But as far as I am concerned, the United States Supreme Court everywhere else has a very good record in the last few years.

They have made a lot of very reasonable decisions in important cases.

And what the two Conservative justices were taped as saying shows that we can trust them.

First, they were quoted as saying that they want to return America to a more godly place.

There is nothing wrong with that.  For most people's understanding of God, that would be a very good thing, even for many people whose understanding of God is imperfect.

It is not the place of a Supreme Court justice to do this.    But it's perfectly okay for a Supreme Court justice to discuss something with another justice that has nothing to do with their job.

Which makes the other thing the article quotes the justice as saying so important.

Which is they were quoted that their job of Supreme Court justices is merely to decide the cases that the court sees.

Which is exactly what their job is!

And if two Supreme Court justices want to preach to people about God in their free time away from their job, that is fine!

And so, my defense of the US Supreme Court.

This Liberal thinks that the Conservative justices are doing a fine job.

God loves you!


David S. Annderson