And this is how we will look for E.T. on Europa

Two years from now, in 2024, NASA is scheduled to launch, on board a huge Space X Falcon Heavy rocket, a huge space probe to Europa.

If all goes as scheduled, it will arrive at Europa in 2030.

This may be how we discover alien life.

For there is an ocean under the ice of Europa.

There are volcanoes keeping it from freezing over.

These are the conditions in which life first formed here on Earth.

And in these conditions on Earth, in deep sea volcanic vents, the kind where tube worms live, life is abundant.

We can study all kinds of things in Earth's biosphere from orbit.

Sea temperature, the chemical composition of the sea, much more.

This probe will study the oceans of Europa from orbit for years.

With all the scientific power of a space probe with 21st Century technology seven times the size of the old Voyager probes.

It is called Europa Clipper.

It will study in great detail what has a good chance of being an alien biosphere.

And if they discover the spectral signature of oxygen that is not in combination with any element other than oxygen, that's life!

That's alien life!

For oxygen is very reactive.

It reacts easily with other elements.

Pure oxygen, not in combination with other elements, has to be constantly replenished.

By plant life.

Such as the microscopic plant life that lives in symbiosis with tube worms.

In a few years we will be studying E.T.'s ocean world!

We live in very exciting times!

And America is still leading the way!

As Japan, South Korea and Bollywood lead the world where Steven Spielberg and The Beatles once did, in outer space, America is still leading the way!

Through NASA and Space X!

We live in very exciting times!

God loves you! Give E.T. my regards!


David S. Annderson