Striking Down the Chevron Deference: Not Letting the Crazies In

A Defense of the Supreme Court's Decision from a Liberal

Are you afraid that some crazy will be elected to the White House and start interpreting the laws in outrageous ways?  Just f'ing with you as a tyrant?

Whether you imagine that crazy to be D or R, fear no more!

For the United States Supreme Court has just struck down a precedent that once gave government agencies great power to interpret the law as they see fit!

Thing is, once we could trust the President and his Cabinet.

Times have changed.

I don't need to tell you that so many Americans fear the next President.

We trust the laws passed by Congress back in the days of Eisenhower and Lyndon Johnson, Regan and Clinton far more than we trust the President today.

And that is why the Chevron Deference is no longer a good idea.

This legal precedent once gave government agencies free reign to interpret the law where the law was not clear.

Liberals like me are now worried, because the Supreme Court that made this decision is Conservative, and this Deference was once used extensively by agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency.

But now it can be used by some crazy in the White House to bully us.

Which is why it is very good for both Liberals and Conservatives that, in this volatile time, we be forced to rely more on what is implied in the wording of laws passed in less volatile times, such as the time of Eisenhower and Lyndon Johnson, or the times of Regan and Clinton and the first Bush, rather than rely on our current leaders.

Times have changed.

Striking down the Chevron Deference in the face of these volatile times protects us all.

God loves you, D and R alike!


David S. Annderson

P.S. I know that this is the same Conservative Supreme Court that overturned Roe vs. Wade.  Thing is, the Abortion issue is the most difficult thing that they could have possibly been presented with.  Our civilization has yet to even begin to come to a consensus on this issue.  I leave it to you whether you think that they were wrong or right in striking down Roe.  That is outside the scope of this post.  But if you do disagree, I emplore you to consider this.  Our civilization has yet to come close to reaching a consensus on this issue.  Getting this one wrong is like getting wrong the hardest question on the Mensa test.  This one is just so, so difficult, and you will offend a lot of people either way.      But since then, this same Supreme Court has made a lot of very wise, responsible decisions, which I as a Liberal agree with, which I sincerely believe that 90% or more of us on both sides can agree with if we understood it enough.  This decision on the Chevron Deference is just one of them.  Whatever you think of Roe, I do believe that this has been one of our finest Supreme Courts.  And that comes from a Liberal, not a Conservative.  The abortion issue is just so, so difficult, it is waiting for decades of dialogue between the two sides and perhaps a wise sage, and until our civilization begins to reach a consensus on this issue I believe that a President or Congress or Supreme Court should not be judged a failure for if you think they got this issue wrong.  As I said, this issue is like the hardest question on the Mensa test, the one that even Albert Einstein got wrong.  The rest of the decisions by this Supreme Court have mostly been very, very good, and not necessarily easy.  I believe that history will judge this one of our finest Supreme Courts, and that even Liberal histories will in time respect them.  At least once someone points all this out as I have.      God loves you!    David S. Annderson