A Tribute to Bruce Willis

It's sad what had happened to Bruce Willis.  So many stunts have taken a toll on his brain.  But this is not what this page is about.

Because here I want to pay tribute to Bruce Willis's talent.

And remember- Bruce Willis wanted to perform his own stunts.    It's like being a boxer or an NFL player.  He wouldn't have wanted to live his life any other way.

Sometimes you have to take chances in order to really live.    And sometimes the chances work against you.  But that doesn't mean that it isn't worth it.

But here I really want to pay tribute to Bruce Willis's talent.

It takes talent to be an action star.

People like Arnold Schwarzenegger know how to make the action look good- real good.

I could not do what the great action stars do.    That takes real talent.

So what creative possibilities are opened up for an action star that also has the talent of a great character actor?

What creative possibilities are opened up by the talent of a man who has the talent of an Arnold Schwarzenegger and the talent of an Alan Alda?

That man is Bruce Willis.

So many of Bruce Willis's movies, including the Die Hard movies and one of my favorite movies of all time, The Fifth Element, rely on the talent of a lead actor who is both an Arnold and an Alan Alda.

Bruce Willis's combination of talent opened up such great creative possibilities in his movies!

The story, in the Die Hard movies, of an ordinary Joe who becomes a hero because he has to.

The story told in The Fifth Element, which relies once again on having an ordinary Joe as its action hero.

Bruce Willis plays this kind of ordinary Joe character so well.

And he has the talent to make the action look real good.

And so I am paying tribute to the combination of talents that made movies like Die Hard and The Fifth Element possible.

The great Bruce Willis.

God loves you!


David S. Annderson