Pro Wrestling and Mental Focus

Some of my housemates like to watch pro wrestling from the recent past on Youtube, and I like to hang out with them in front of the TV, and so I have been witness to an interesting spectacle:

Hulk Hogan as an active pro wrestler, wrestling the top wrestlers, well past the age when a top athlete in any other field save for golf would be retired.

I know that pro wrestling is not real.

And yet, it is real.

The competition is scripted.      But the stunts are real.    Pro wrestlers are basically professional stuntmen.

I could never perform those stunts, not even with a year of training.

And to see Hulk Hogan performing those stunts at the age of 50, even with it scripted around his abilities, is amazing.

And I think that I know the secret.

And that's this: the difficulty of the stunts is above all mental.

The stunts require great strength.  But the biggest difficulty is mental.

The mental concentration required to perform those stunts must be incredible.

And that mental concentration will only improve with age and more years of practice.

The stunts require great strength.  But any good strong man can perform the physical part of the stunt.

The mental focus required, on the other hand, that is something else.

The mental focus required to perform these kind of stunts safely must be incredible.

And a 50-year-old Hulk Hogan with over 25 years of experience will have more mental focus than a 40-year-old Hulk Hogan with maybe 17 years of experience in the ring.

This is how Hulk Hogan is able to still perform in the ring well past the age when most athletes would be retired.

Food for thought!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. If you're into complexity and sophistocation, you don't want to be a scriptwriter in pro wrestling.  The scope for storytelling is so limited.  You want to be a Choreographer for pro wrestling.  It's like being the choreographer for a major martial arts movie.