J.J. Abrams: the good and the bad- and the need for a scriptwriter!

J. J. Abrams is not a good storyteller.  I have gone into this elsewhere.

But I just came from one of his new Star Trek movies.

And having seen just a few minutes, I can say that J. J. Abrams has simply incredible skills as a filmmaker.

In cinematography.  Visuals.  Things like that.

In use of special effects.

In casting.  The guy who cast Chris Pine as the new Captain Kirk.

He may not be much of a storyteller.

He is good at coming up with plot points.    But storytelling is about how you connect those plot points.    About how you connect the dots.

But DAMN- his movies look incredible.

The acting, the cast- simply incredible.

Especially for people who like this kind of movies.

I lay down my hat to a master.

If anyone is watching.

If anyone is listening.

Get J.J. Abrams a top scriptwriter!

Get him a top scriptwriter!

With a good scriptwriter, he can do incredible things!

His first Star Wars movie, with the great Lawrence Kasdan as scriptwriter, was incredible!^


Get J.J. Abrams a top scriptwriter!

The scriptwriter can do the storytelling!

Anyway, my two cents!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

^It was the other three, without Lawrence Kasdan, that ruined it!