A principle to guide your life

We all know that we should be careful around children, to be gentle with them and protect them.

Here's a principle to guide your life:

Treat all people, including adults, with the same care and respect you would give a child. Protect everyone, not just children.

That means protecting and respecting both sides of a conflict if at all possible.

Men as well as women. Whites as well as blacks. Adults as well as children.

Don't hurt one person to protect another, but instead protect both.

Act only to prevent harm. Do not focus on punishment when someone has sinned, only act to prevent harm.

And Love the sinner, not the sin.

And love the accused- they haven't even been proven to be a sinner yet!

Treat all adults with the same loving care you would give a 5-year-old child.

Know that you can expect an adult to do more, but you should give them the same love and protection.

God loves you! And He wants you to love each other!


David S. Annderson