1Z-3: Street gangs think they're tough...

They'd be nothing without farmers!

If we weren't fighting to save our Earth, and the environment apacolypse really did happen, it would be farmers who would survive!

City folks... it would be the nice guys that would survive!

Because they are the ones that won't piss the farmers off!

Think the rich will survive?

Maybe... with a lot of help! What survival skills do they have?

No! It's ordinary people who are nice who will survive!

Not thugs! No one will help them! Because they would have already pissed everyone off!

Street thugs are not survivors! They rely on farmers and money!

It is the rest of us who are survivors!

We did not thrive as a species because we bully each other!

We thrive as a species because we help each other!

It is people who help each other who are the tough survivors!

Think about that next time you think that street gangs are tough!

It is the nice people who help each other who are the real survivors!

Think of how many of them die on the street!

We nice people- ordinary people who do not rely on money, people like Gordon and Susan and Maria on Sesame Street- we are the real survivors!

God loves you!

And if you follow God and love people you will be a tough survivor too!


David S. Annderson