The Police: the Last Legendary Classic Rock Band?

I just discovered The Police through Rick Beato.  Including a number of great songs that I already knew that I did not realize was The Police, like Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic.

When I woke up today I knew next to nothing about them.

In the 1960's and 1970's, there were such legendary bands.

Artists with Beethoven-like sophistocation and daring.

Jimi Hendrix.  Cream.  The Who.  Simon and Garfunkel.

The last band of that 60's and 70's era to emerge that had, as far as I know now, that level of greatness has to be The Police.

Sting brought the kind of sophistocation and interesting details to new wave in his songwriting that made The Beatles great, and the execution of the performance of the songs by the group is simply brilliant.

There may be a more recent band from that era that is on that level, I don't know.

Certainly there have been, in more recent scenes.  Like Pearl Jam and Phish.

But this is the last band from that era to emerge that I know of right now with the level of sophiostocation and depth that makes artists like The Beach Boys and Simon and Garfunkel legendary.

The last legendary classic rock band of a legendary era?

You get to decide!

Thank you, Rick Beato!  And thank you Sting!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. Rick Beato- you are a legend too!  The chops of a legendary session musician, the presence of a great TV personality, and the knowledge of a music professor!  You would have been a session legend, but it would have wasted your talent as a television personality!  You are educating the next generation of Stings and Paul Simons, and showing them where they can put their music (Youtube)!