I Apologise

As far as I know, my family had nothing to do with Black slavery.

But still, I apologise.

I apologise that people who look like me took part in racism and the slave trade.

I apologise that people from my ancestor's continent of origin overran the world in the 19th Century, ruining all these beautiful civilizations that I so love today, such as Qing China and the India of the Maratha Empire.

For it does not matter if my ancestors took part in it or not.

What matters is that by apologizing, I can make some of the pain go away.

I want to make that pain go away.

And so I apologise.

I apologise for Black slavery and the slave trade, and I apologise for European Imperialism.

For the sake of the others from my ancestor's continent of origin, I apologise, for i want to make the pain go away.

Look to the future!

Things are getting better!

The growing pains are difficult sometimes, but things are getting better!

India is reemerging!

China has reemerged!

Nigeria could be next!

America has seen a 'Black' president and a 'Black' vice-president!

People other than me are actually apologizing!

Look to the future!

And remember- I feel your pain!

You are my beloved brother!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson