And this is why we matter!

Look at yourself.

You are the most precious thing in the universe.

Along with the rest of us, you are the most precious thing in the universe.

For you are Life.

We are all tiny specks in an immense vast ocean of a universe.

But we matter.

Because we are Life.

We are precious children of God.

Or, if you do not believe in God, we are precious children of Something.    It does not matter what.

And that is why we matter.

For we are tiny specks of dust in an immense vast ocean of universe.

But we matter more than all the rest of the vastness.

For we are Life.

We are precious children of something, even if you do not believe in God.

We are precious children of something.

And this is why we matter!

God loves you!  You are a precious child of something!


David S. Annderson