Give Elon Musk a break!

People hang on his every word, expecting him to be perfect. And when he fails to live up to those expectations of perfection, people jump down his throat.

Give the guy a break!

Is he famous as a talker, like John Kennedy or Robin Williams?


He is famous as a philanthropist businessman who funds the development of new technology!

Give the guy a break!

Stop expecting people to never make mistakes, even fairly harmless ones well outside their field of expertise!

Loosen up!

You'll be much happier that way!

God loves you!

But he wants you to give people a break!

And you'll be much happier that way!


David S. Annderson

P.S. I trust Elon Musk to run twitter well. He isn't known as a talker. He is known for running companies well and using them to help people. And there is nothing he has done as owner of twitter that is not purfectly sane defense of free speech. After all, twitter is not a news source, it is a vehicle for casual conversation, one that is famous for people saying stupid things on it. No one is getting their news from twitter.

And- Elon Musk may be a Republican. So was Eisenhower. There are still plenty of good, kind Republicans. Pray we get more of them in office. America needs more than one political party, and functions best when both are sane.