Bob Dylan's Truest Disciple

Paul Simon, songwriter and one half of Simon and Garfunkel who wrote all their music and played all their acoustic guitar, has said that he tried intentionally, despite being a huge, huge Bob Dylan fan, to not be influenced by Bob Dylan as a songwriter and artist.

Which is why I believe that he became Bob Dylan's truest disciple.

For in trying to avoid being influenced by Bob Dylan, Paul Simon found and formulated his own identity completely.

Paul Simon became much more than just a Bob Dylan copycat.

Like Bob Dylan himself, Paul Simon was entirely his own artist, with his own identity, copying no one.

And that is why he is Bob Dylan's truest disciple.

For instead of copying Bob Dylan, Paul Simon found his own voice.

And I believe that this might be a shining example to aspiring artists.

For just like I found inspiration in Steven Spielberg and Jim Henson in finding my own voice, someone else might find inspiration, as many no doubt already have, in Paul Simon's example- and in following their own artistic heroes the way Paul Simon followed Bob Dylan- by not trying to imitate them but trying to find their own voice the way Paul Simon found his.

Anyway, I thought that this might help inspire any aspiring artists out there, of any field!

God loves you!  Thank you Paul Simon, and thank you to all the artists!


David S. Annderson