A Church or Religion Does Not Need to Justify Its Existence In This Way!

A church or religion does Not need to be our only legitamate connection to God!

A church or religion does Not need to justify its existence in this way!

Think of it: if a pebble on a beach is justified in its existance without being our only connection to God, why does a church or religion need to be our only legitamate connection to God?

If a science textbook is justified as a legitamate source of learning without being our only legitamate connection to God, why not a church or religion?

If a mother cat is justified in teaching her kittens without being our only connection to God, why not a church or religion?

And why does a church or religion need to be right about everything?

Do they teach kindness?      That's enough!  Who cares who is right about everything else!

A religion does not need to be right about everything, it only needs to teach kindness!

So why can't every church and religion that teaches kindness be legitamate, and who cares which one is right about everything else?

Christians respect Jesus as the Son of God.  Muslims respect Jesus as a mortal Prophet.    Who cares which one is right?

Isn't it more important that they both- if followed faithfully- teach Love and Kindness and respect for others?

And many other very good things?

A religion does not need to be our only legitamate connection to God, and a religion does not need to be the only one that is right!

It only needs to teach kindness!

So go ahead!

Teach kindness!

Teach kindness as a Christian, teach kindness as a Jew!

Teach kindness as a Muslim or a Hindu!

For that is all a church or religion needs to do to justify its existence!

It only needs to teach kindness!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson