And that's when I found out that I am descended from royalty!

Ever hear of one of those stories where an ordinary poor person finds out that they are someone special?

That they are really a prince of a great Kingdom?

And not just an ordinary person?

I remember when I found out that I have something special in my past.

That I was born into this world the secret descendent of someone even beyond Constantine or Charlemagne, or even Newton or Shakespeare.

And now I proclaim:

I am a child of the Most High God

I am descended from the man who spins the stars

I am a child of the Most High God

I just found out and now I know who I am!

And you can sing it too!

For you too are a child of the Most High God!

God loves you!

You are His beloved child!

Each and every one of you!


David S. Annderson