1Z-7: Don't Forget the Real Jesus

Are you someone who was raised Christian and is now disgusted with Christians who support Trump?

I know many people like you are out there.

Don't forget the real Jesus.

Don't forget the Jesus who was kind to all and stood up for the unfortunate. Don't forget the Jesus who spoke out for love.

Don't forget the Jesus that died to save this world from people like Donald Trump.

And don't forget that there are many churches that don't support Donald Trump.

Like the Catholic Church in Mexico. The church of the people Donald Trump has imprisoned at the border.

Like the Black church in America- and around the world. The church that supported Obama as their man. The church that represents brothers who are spreading the word of Christ as Black America knows Him all around the world.

And don't forget that you can form your own Church too.

Your own Church.

Devoted to all the good that you see in Christ.

So go ahead- seek the memory of the Real Christ.

And go ahead- form your own Church. Your own group. Or seek the Spanish Catholic Church. Or the Black Church. Or any Church that remembers the real Christ.

And don't forget the real Christ.

The Christ that died to save us from people like Donald Trump.


David S. Annderson