A message to minorities and oppressed or sad people

One day not that long ago (early 2014) I met two black people outside a Starbucks complaining about the misfortunes of black people. Seeing that these kind people were sad, I apologized for all that had happened to their people. Their response opened their mind- I had no idea in my conscious mind (though certainly in my unconscious mind) that this was so, so important to them. I guess that it had never come up in the right way before, and I only knew in my unconscious mind how important this was. I want to comfort good people. So I would like to repeat that apology to everyone I can:

To all people who have been hurt by racism or sexism, or whose family or people are or have been oppressed, or have been hurt yourself, I'm sorry you and your people had to go through that. I really mean it. You are good, kind people and are precious. You don't deserve it, and my heart goes out to you. I wish I could do more, but perhaps this message will help. I have always wanted to comfort people who are sad, shy that I am, so I hope this helps. And remember, you have friends out there.

David S. Annderson

I will always remember those two men and others like them for their kindness. They have no idea how much they gave me with their friendship, though our paths crossed briefly. I will remember their kind words forever.