A Buddhist Thought on Jesus and the Resurrection

There is no difference between reality and a dream.

There is no 'real' and 'dream'; there is only experiences.

Sure, the dream we normally live in is organized according to laws of science.

Sure.  So is the magic system in many fantasy novels.

Furthermore, God's magic is not found in miracles that defy science.

Not normally.

For the plans of God are written into the fabric of the world.

God did not use magic tricks to transform the world of the terrible World Wars into the beautiful world of the 57 Chevy, Explorer 1 and the Space Age, Miles Davis and John Coltrane and the Beatniks in less than 15 years.

No.  Those were potentials that God wrote into the very nature of Humanity and the world.

The very scientific nature of Humanity and the world.

And so then I think: normally God writes the magic of God and His plans into the very scientific nature of the world.

But perhaps God can defy that science if He wants to?

What really happened when the students of Jesus saw their old Rabbi risen from the dead?

Was it real?

Or was it just a dream?

Was it just a vision in a dream?

Does it matter?

There is no difference between dreams and reality.

There is only experiences.

Normally seeing a loved one in a dream is very different from seeing them in real life.

Not because real life is more real than the dream.

But simply because they are probably not the same person.

But Christians equate Jesus with God.

If Jesus's resurrection was a dream, it still came from God.

The same God that sent Jesus.

What difference does it make if it was a dream or not?

God sent a vision of the risen Christ to Jesus's followers.

It comes from the same God.

It is the same experience.

It sends the same message.

That message is being sent from the same God.

What difference does it make if it was a dream or not?

Whether it was 'real' or not, whether the Resurrection was 'real' or just a dream, it came from the same God.

If Jesus is God, as Christians believe, then the vision of the Resurrection came from Jesus either way.

If Jesus is not God, but only a Prophet, than the vision came from an even higher source than the rest of Christianity.

Because it came from God!

It makes no difference whether the Resurrection was a dream or real!

It was experienced by the followers of Jesus, who wrote about it

In four different well-known biographies of Jesus from the time of the people who knew him in person and were there!

It carries the same promise

And it is from the same God!

And if there were no God, where did the dream we call reality come from?

Why is there anything at all?

Something must be its own cause.

It makes more sense that that something has a mind.

It is easier to believe that something with a mind created itself, than something without a mind.    A mind can create itself more easily than a rock.

And that mind sent us a promise, in the vision of the Resurrection of Jesus!

The mind that created all that is around us!

The mind that created us!

Sent the promise of Resurrection, through that vision of their risen Rabbi sent to the students of Jesus!

And that promise is real!

And no, it is not only valid to those who follow the right church!

Because God does not work that way!

He created all of us, not just the Christians!

It is valid to anyone who is willing to accept it!

God reached out to us!

He is not gonna let us down!

He resurrected the world after two World Wars-    without needing any magic tricks!

He resurrected the world after the Bronze Age Collapse!

And He sent this promise to us!

All we have to do is be willing to accept Him when He comes to us!

So keep your heart open!

And don't care if He comes in His Christian form, or His Hindu form as Krishna or Siva, or His Muslim form, of Her form as the Great Goddess as Wiccans and the Minoans know Her

For it is the same God!

Keep your heart open and do not fear!

For all we have to do is be willing to accept Him when He comes for us!

And if you look for Him, He will be there to guide your life!

He whispers, and the whispers run deep!  Look and listen for them, and He will guide your life!

And when God promises eternal life, He means it!    Do not fear death!

Energy is neither created or destroyed!  Even the scientists know that!    So how could our mind ever be destroyed?    Why should we fear death?

Wherever our mind goes, why should we think it would be bad?

Both God, through that promise, and our science tell us to not fear death!

When God promises eternal life, He means it!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson