And why is it wrong for a guy to dress up as a girl?

Is there something special about the fact that he has a penis?

We encourage our women to dress up as men

Dress up in suits

Grunt like cave men

Shoot people

Beat people up

The masculine side is worthless without the feminine side!

The masculine side is only worth something to the extent that it protects and defends the feminine side!

What, are we that unsafe?

Are we dying in the streets?

It is the feminine side that is worthwhile!

It is Love, Beauty, Kindness that is worthwhile and civilized!

Jesus taught the feminine values!

Jesus taught Love and Kindness!

Let him dress up as a girl!

Let him represent the values that Jesus taught!

Let him represent something other than a grunting cave man that shoots people!

God loves you!  And He wants you to be Kind and Love each other!

Not shoot each other!


David S. Annderson

And what is so unpleasant about hanging out with a beautiful woman who has a penis, anyway?