American Television and Rediculously Bad Writing

I just watched a television show and saw the warmest, most deep character friendship moment in all the episodes of the show we have watched in our house, only to find out- in Wikipedia, since it wasn't clear in the actual episode- that the entire moment was nothing more than a dream

In an episode that had the lead character dismiss the creative right-brain as worthless!

Welcome to the season-5 ender of House.


In a show that normally only has characters smart-mouth each other while House and Cuddy fight, the second to last episode of season 5 ended with Cuddy helping House detox from his Vicodin addiction.

I should add that the rest of the episode was annoying and a bit creepy in a not real good Twilight Zone kind of way.

But this character moment was simply wonderful.

I thought, House and Cuddy will share this forever.  What a powerful character moment.

The next episode had this bizarre case with a guy with a left hand with a mind of its own, and House acting real bizarre, only for the episode to reveal that it was all an illusion.

I thought, great.  They showed me that entire bizarre case with the left hand with a mind of its own, only to learn that it was just an illusion while House was detoxing with Cuddy.    Well, at least he is detoxing with Cuddy.

I went to Wikipedia to reflect on the episode, which I do sometimes.

There on Wikipedia I read that it was House's detoxing with Cuddy which was the illusion, not the freaky hand guy.


This is just rediculously bad writing.

Literally the finest character friendship moment in the show's entire history is then revealed to be a hallucination House had because of his vicodin addiction- in an episode where House dismisses the creative 'right brain' as worthless- and it is not even clear in the episode that this was what was a hallucination!

Please, don't emulate these awful early 21st Century American television shows!

This is simply awful, no matter how much the science is great and the technical and rational stuff is great!

We need warmth and love and kindness!

We need that right-brain stuff that they think is worthless!    Because that is what makes life worthwhile!

Only through emotions and logic together is there meaning!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. the house I live in watches it.  I like to hang out with my housemates in front of the TV, not really watching, but hanging out and thinking with myself.  Sometimes the TV is good, sometimes it isn't, sometimes it is not that good but at least interesting, especially from these early 21st Century American shows when they are not too awful.