Is this a Real Man?

'A man isn't a man until he knows how to shoot.'

That is why I idolize girls!

None of this weak-ass manly anger and violence!

Give me the deep abiding strength of girly joy, kindness and love!

Give me the warm deep healing strength of girly kindness and gentleness, the vital strength of the flower that blossoms after the storm!

Give me the true deep strength of the deep healing of kindness and gentleness, to heal my soul so that I will not be weak and break down but rather be strong and serene and let it wash over me like water off a duck!

Give me the towering radiant soft strength of joy and love!

No more of this manly weakness of anger and violence!

I embrace the true strength of softness and joy, kindness and love!

Thank you, Lord!

God loves you, and so do I!


David S. Annderson