And this is what family really is

I want to be good to everybody.

They are all good people. They are all God's children.

But I can't take care of everyone.

So I take special care to care for and help and reach out to and be friends with the people that God puts right in front of me.

I treat the people who happen to be right next to me as family.

If I see someone on the street right next to me who needs help, I try to help them.

I live in a house where I rent a room. I have several housemates. I treat them like family.

We are all God's children.

So why shouldn't we treat the people who we happen to be right next to as family?

And if you do, you will get far more back than you give.

Just like any family.

As long as I live in this house with my housemates, because they are my friends, I will never be alone on the holidays.

And as long as I live in this house, I will never be alone.

And I have Asperger's syndrome, which makes me feel shy. If I can get the courage to reach out, than so can you.

God loves you!


David S. Annderson