1Z-3: Spinoza was wrong: Spinoza's God Must Be A Personalized God Who Interacts with Man!

Spinoza believed that the Universe is an expression of God.

This is natural. The Universe must have a source, and the only concievable source of the Universe is God. Aristotle pointed that out.

So Spinoza realized that the source of the Universe is God. And he realized that that means that the Universe is part of God. Is an expression of God Himself.

But I am here to tell you that if the Universe is an expression of God, than God must be a personalized God who interacts with Man.

Spinoza believed that God did not interact with Man, that He was not a personalized God.

He was wrong.

Man is a person.

Man is an individual.

If Man has his source in God, God must be a personalized God.

He can be more than a personalized God.

But He must also Be a personalized God.

Because everything in Man must be present in God.

Because God is the source of Man.

And if Man has the potential to be in control of himself, despite the fact that we interact with a lot of things beyond our control, and man was created by God, than that quality must be present in God.

God must be capable of being in control of Himself.

And how much easier must it be for God, who has billions of years of practice, and does not have to deal with anything beyond Hisself!

If the Universe is an expression of God, and God is in control of Himself, than God is in control of everything that interacts with Man!

God is in control of everything that interacts with Man!

Thus Spinoza's God MUST be a personalized God who interacts with man, for He is in control of everything that interacts with man!

And that means that it was God that sent the Koran, and the Bible, and other sacred scripts among us, and it was God who sent us religion, because those things are part of the Universe, and the Universe is an expression of God!

It was God that sent us religion!

Because religion is part of the Universe, and the Universe is an expression of God!

And there are so many universal ideas that all the religions agree upon- Divine Love, avoiding temptation, to be kind to our fellow man, all kinds of things.

Because they all came from the same source- God!

And many people in China have no trouble believing that the teachings of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism are all true.

And many millions of Christians in Korea have no trouble believing that Neo-Confucianism and Christianity can both be true.

They all come from the same source- God!

And God hears our prayers.

All the Universe has its source in God.

Thus God hears everything in the Universe.

Thus God hears our prayers.

Thank you, God. Amen.

Spread the word!

David S. Annderson