Which one is the real Devil?

When Krishna worshippers talk of Love, or Obama and Liberals, or gay-rights activists or hippies talk of Love, conservative Americans say it's the Devil

And then you hear what those same conservative Americans say of God

And you have to conclude that their Devil is a Devil of Love and that their God is a God of fear and anger!

Which one is the real Devil?

You will know the true God by His Love!

For it is by His Love and not His power that He is legit!

But if fear and anger had the real power there would be a lot more earthquakes and tornadoes!

You can call the true God the Devil if you like

And the Devil God

But Love is still the true God!

And fear and anger is still the true Devil!

God loves you!  He is a God of Love and not a God of Fear!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson