Gaslighting is not overused as a word!

It is January 2, 2023. Hopefully our poor country of America can turn a new leaf.

The word Gaslighting is NOT overused in America today!

I know the word describes a kind of dangerous psychological manipulation!

And that kind of dangerous psychological manipulation is rampant in American politics and the corperate media!

Just what do you think it is that Donald Trump has been doing to us the past 7 years?


And yes, it is dangerous!

We will be fine.

Germany has been through far worse.

But it is serious!

And it is not just Donald Trump, but about half- or more- of American corperate media that is devoted to psychological manipulation of the American public in a dangerous way!

If Gaslighting is overused today as a word, than the word 'War' was overused in 1916 in the middle of WWI!

Because this is as rampant a problem in America today as 2022 comes to an end (2023 is yet a blank page full of potential!) as war was in Europe in 1916!

Only gaslighting is still less horrible than war!

Please, Gaslighting is NOT overused as a word!

We are using that word as a cry for help and a protest!

We are trying to save our poor psychologically suffering country!

Please support us!

God loves you! We will get through this! Germany and France got through far worse in the 1940's!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson