The African contributions to European Civilization!

          (albeit indirectly)

We Franks of European civilization get so many things from the Arabs.

Arabic science.  Arabic arches.  Rhymes in our poetry.

Our vaunted 'Western' science is built upon Arabic roots.

But where did the Arabs get their civilization?

They inherited it.

From Byzantium.      Sassanid Persia.      And Ethiopia.

That is the African contributions to European civilization!

Yes, it is indirect.

The Sahara desert is a huge barrier, and north of it the community is more like it is in Asia and Greece.

But around Arabia and Ethiopia, and the river Nile, that barrier is lowered a bit.

And Arabic Islamic civilization is built upon four things.

Byzantium.    Sassanid Persia.    Ethiopia.    And Islam itself.

Without Ethiopia, Arabic civilization would be without one of its primary roots!

And Europe would have had less Arabic civilization to draw upon!

Anyway, just thought you might want to know!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson