Body and Mind, Masculine and Feminine: a philosophical analysis of gender identity

Mister Rogers had a song with the lyrics: 'girls are girls from the beginning, boys are boys right from the start'

Now this song might be regarded as controversial by some today.  Not all boys identify with being boys; some would rather identify with being girls.

But these lyrics are simply a statement of scientific biological fact.

Some people are born girls; some are born boys.

In this light, perhaps we can look at what it really means to identify as a boy or a girl, a man or a woman.

What is it that a transsexual person born a boy is identifying with when they seek to live as a woman?

Is it the biological form of the body?

Probably not.

More likely they are identifying with the feminine role in society.

Most likely they have no problem with the fact that they can get a woman pregnant but cannot get pregnant themselves.

Rather they more likely identify with being pretty, wearing a dress, and being feminine.

Boys are boys from the beginning, girls are girls right from the start.

That does not mean that the boy has to grow up to be strong, wear a suit, and train to fight, and cannot grow up to wear a pink dress, put a flower in their hair, and learn to sew and to care for lost puppies.

We could use people who learn to sew, spread gentleness and beauty, and care for lost puppies.

Why should they be any less good at this just because they can get a woman pregnant but cannot get pregnant themselves?

Why should someone be any less good at being a strong, brave fire fighter because they can get pregnant and cannot get a woman pregnant?

Sure, in the past it was not good to risk the people who could get pregnant on dangerous jobs like being a fire fighter.

But there are plenty of humans on Earth today.    The species is not exactly in danger of fading away because of a lack of children being born.

When someone wishes to identify as a transsexual, most likely they are not identifying with the biological reality of being male or female.

Rather they are identifying with the social role of men and women, and the masculine or feminine ideals associated with them.

Boys are boys right from the beginning, girls are girls right from the start.

That does not mean that the boys cannot be pretty and soft and feminine.

That does not mean that the girls cannot be action heroes.

Hope this helps!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. this also gives us the answer to things like transsexuals competing in woman's sports.  Obviously women's sports are connected with the biological reality of the body, and not the social role.  An athelete has the social role of a man either way, and it is the differing nature of the body that defines women's sports.

So, should transsexuals be allowed to compete in women's sports?

Of course!  A transsexual man born a woman should absolutely be allowed to compete in women's sports!      God loves you!

P.P.S. Regarding woman's rights and trans rights: women's rights are defined against a male-dominated society that makes it easier on men.  Transsexuals are disadvantaged too.  Women and transsexuals should try to be disadvantaged together, and not worry about whether women's rights applies to trans women born men!  Transsexuals have it hard enough!      But I don't expect J.K. Rowling to have figured that out!  It's not her job to know everything!