Reasons to believe

There are a lot of wonderful ideas in The Bible. You will learn that God cares about you. You will learn a thousand good things about how to deal with the dark side of life. You will learn that this world is Divine.

What evidence do we have to show us that these ideas are special?

What evidence do we have to show us that things like the 10 Commandments, God's Grand Plan for the World, that there is a God who cares enough for us to try to save us, what evidence do we have that these things are real?

Do we need to believe that The Bible itself is somehow divine, that it is sacred and inviolable, is that the only reason we have to believe?

No. Not at all.

We have miracles.

But don't we have to take The Bible's word on the miracles?


There is a miracle that we know of that we don't have to take The Bible's word on.

Once there were just a few followers of the ideas of The Bible, of the Judeo-Christian tradition.

Just a few Hebrews.

Now billions of people, Jews and Christians and Muslims, follow these ideas.

From just a tiny nation to a third or more of the population of the entire planet.

That's a miracle.

There must be something special about these ideas.

God loves you! That's the number one teaching! Remember that! God loves you!


David S. Annderson