Calvinist strictness is NOT Traditional!

Calvinist strictness- spank your children, force discipline upon others Calvinist strictness- is NOT Traditional!

Calvinism and the Protestant movement only goes back a few hundred years to the 16th Century!

And is only present in Europe!

People were not teaching Calvinist strictness in Alexandria 2,000 years ago!

Calvinist strictness is a new, young fad!

That only looks traditional because America is so young!

Western Europe is young compared to the rest of the world!

But even here, it is the Catholic church that is traditional!

Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul II, loving joyous Mexican, Italian, Argentine Catholic church!

That is what is traditional in western Europe!

And even the Catholic church is followers, not leaders, followers of an older tradition!

An older tradition that still thrives in Bulgaria, in Athens and Greece, in Romania today in the beautiful new Utopia known as NATO and the European Union!

Look at the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul!

That is what is traditional!

Jesus did not teach Calvinist strictness!

Plato and Zeno the Stoic did not teach Calvinist strictness!

You know what is traditional?

What Tolkien teaches in Lord of the Rings!

Tolkien got all that from Plato, Jesus, Zeno the Stoic and the Prophet Isaiah!

That is what is traditional!

That is what they taught in Alexandria 2,000 years ago!

When the Great Basilica Synagogue of Alexandria taught the ideas of Moses and Isaiah and Abraham right alongside the Library and the students of Plato!

God loves you!

He really does!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson