It's a shame

It's a shame that Amber Heard, who at one time had a promising career, has decided that she would rather devote her life to suing someone more famous than her.

I mean, in the past 3 1/2 years (as of Summer 2022) she's done 2 movies!


At one time she would have done 8 or 9 movies in that stretch of time!

But she'd rather spend her life suing Johnny Depp.

Look, even if he is guilty, he isn't that dangerous.

It's not like he's Saddam Hussein or a dangerous mobster or something.

It's not worth spending years of your life on!

Go out!

Make movies again!

Let it go!

If it were me, I'd rather spend those years writing!

How often do the police spend years of their life on a single person and little else?

But she gets more fame for suing Johnny Depp than she ever did making movies.

Because now she's as famous as Johnny Depp!

That's why I don't do it for fame!

Even if the guy is guilty, he's not that dangerous.

It's not worth spending years of your life on!

It's not like the well-being of dozens of people is riding on the success of your lawsuit!

Let it go!

Live your life!

It's not worth it!

God loves you! Including you, Amber Heard!


David S. Annderson