1Z-1: My Prayers Go Out to Buffalo and Texas and Minorities across America

After the recent shootings in Buffalo and Texas (May 2022), my heart goes out to all of you affected by these terrible tragedies. Including all of you in Buffalo and Texas, and minorities across America.

Pray to God. He will help. Ask for help if you need it. You are not alone.

Know that God loves you.

Know that things are getting better. These things are caused by all the stress Donald Trump put this poor country through.

But Donald Trump is gone. Things are getting better.

Pray to God. He will help you.

God has a plan for this country. God will get us through this.

Germany went through much worse times than this. And Germany's fine today. Most of Germany has been fine since the 1950's.

If Germany made it through that, if France and Italy and Belgium made it through that, we'll get through this.

And remember- we are not helpless. Lots of good people are responding to this.

We'll make it. God has plans for America.

You'll make it. Because God loves you.

If God be with you, and He is, than who can be against you?

God loves you!


David S. Annderson