The Miracle of Myanmar- proof there is hope for us all (2021: I mourn the death of the miracle... it did not last long enough)

(2021... I mourn the death of the miracle... Myanmar is no longer free... it did not last long enough... neither did the Golden Age of Athens... I mourn the fall of Myanmar... 2021)

(six years is better than nothing... celebrate the good times while you can and trust in the God of Love that a bigger Miracle will save our fallen world, perhaps led by Japan and India, where there is so much hope for the future!)

(But there is still hope for all of us... pray to the God of Love)

In 2009 Myanmar, or Burma, had been a millitary dictatorship for decades. Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy peacefully protested the dictatorship, and for over twenty years she was usually under house arrest.

In 2010 General Elections were held. Dozens of new political parties were allowed to participate.

In 2011 the newly-elected government was allowed to take power.

Now, the elections were not purfect. Aung San Suu Kyi was under house arrest at the time, and members of her party were marginalized.

Nevertheless, it was an election, and a few members of Aung's group did win seats in the new government.

In 2015, Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy won the next election in a landslide. She now runs the country.

There is hope for us all. A miracle has occurred. And now the word 'Myanmar'* brings to mind a whole different feeling.

*as opposed to the traditional name, Burma

Let us rejoyce! David S. Annderson

Post Script: The old Myanmar millitary leaders have held onto one of their old policies as a last, desperate gasp- the persecution of the Rohingya people, many who are Muslim, in the name of fighting Islamic Terrorism. The old use of fear to control people as they have lost power everywhere else. Burma is now preparing to take care of the Rohingya people, including many refugees in Bangladesh who will be returning home. The last gasp of the old millitary regime is finally starting to fall away.

As the Burmese government tries to take care of these people the last, desperate gasp of the old millitary regime, the persecution of the Rohingya people, is finally starting to fall away.

Haleluja! Amen.

End of Post Script Let us rejoyce! David S. Annderson