1Z-5: Sex and Materialism

Our society has become afraid of sex. Despite, or maybe because, our mass media is so highly sexualized.

I think that a big part of the problem is that our young society here in America has never identified what is wrong with dangerous sexuality.

It's materialism.

Quite simply, it is seeing other people as material objects.

Sex is not mysterious. It's just a feeling that we often feel. The feeling is not dangerous if we know when not to act on it, and what way of acting on it should be avioded.

Sexuality becomes dangerous when we start seeing other people as objects rather than people.

That's it. That's all.

That's all there is to be afraid of.

If we recognize this, then we will know what it is that makes dangerous sexuality dangerous. It's materialism. It's materialism that makes sex dangerous.

If you avoid seeing other people as objects, and you avoid being mean to other people, then you've beaten it. You've done it. You've won.

For that is all there is to be afraid of.

Today I realized that American society does not know what it is that makes dangerous sexuality dangerous.

And so I wanted to tell America what it is that makes dangerous sexuality dangerous. So America would know. So it can ease your mind and you can stop being afraid of it.

So be nice to people and don't treat them as material objects. And don't be afraid. All you have to do is be nice to people. And all people can do is be mean to you, nothing more.

So ease your mind and don't be afraid. It's only materialism.

And to those who have been treated as objects:

Let me cry for you.

Let me cry a river of tears for you.

You are a precious child of God.

God loves you, and I love you.

You are not an object. You are a precious child of God.

Let me cry a river of tears for you.

And know that God loves you.


David S. Annderson