Why I will never appear in public or on TV as David S. Annderson

Because of what some people are beginning to call 'cancel culture'.

You know, when they accuse a celebrity, usually falsely, of some hideous thing, and then nobody is allowed to buy or read their works, or even talk about them except to attack them.

Like they did to Michael Jackson.

I will never appear on TV or anywhere on the media as David S. Annderson.

That is my way of protecting my fans and my legacy from 'cancel culture'. Because I'm not doing it for me. I'm doing it for you.

They will never get me.

I will never appear on TV.

They got Michael Jackson for turning from a 'Black' person to a 'white' person.

They got Britney Spears because of the way she dressed and that she went to clubs.

They won't get me!

They will have to judge me on my writings alone!

And I stand by my writings!

That's why I will never appear in public or on TV as David S. Annderson.

God loves you!

David S. Annderson

P.S. They didn't come after Britney because of the way she dressed. That was just their excuse. They came after her because she was the leader of the Pop movement to stand up for Love and Happiness against Grunge and Gangster Rap in the late 90's.

Just like they came after Michael not just for doing 'Black or White' but for turning from 'Black' to 'white' as well!