How to have a happy valentine's day

Do you get sad on valentine's day because you have no lover?

I could never be sad on valentine's day. Wanna know why?

Because every valentine's day, even when I was an adult, my mom gave me valentines.

So valentine's day makes me think of those special times with my mom. And I could never be sad on valentine's day.

Share valentine's day with your friends and family!

Give your neighbor a valentine! Give your sister or brother or cousin a valentine!

Share valentine's day with whoever you can who just happens to be around you!

You might make a new friend!

And share valentine's day with your family and best friends!

Then valentine's day will belong to you and your friends, just like for me valentine's day belongs to me and my mom!

That's how to have a happy valentine's day!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson