A grand master: me and the school janitor

Years ago, when I was in high school, I was on the school newspaper for a little while as part of English class. While I was there I did a story about the school janitor.

I came to this with the childhood innocence that I was still holding on to (as I am still to this day!), and was able to see the school janitor and his job through fresh, unbiased eyes. I knew that that was my job, after all, and it was something I held on to and still believe with all my heart.

I'll tell you what I saw.

I saw a grand old master, like Scotty the head engineer of the Enterprise on Star Trek.

I mean, he took care of everything! He knew how everything worked, how to fix it... clearly he was a great master.

If you are a janitor, or something similar, be proud. Think of it this way- if you think your job is not important, imagine you are doing it on a space station! Imagine if a space station didn't have a janitor to clean up and fix things- something all astronauts on space stations do!

I was just remembering that article I did for the school newspaper, and I realized that that was a good insight into things, so I decided to tell of it on my website!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson