1Z-2: Racial Anger: We All Get Burned By It (in America, that is)

Even me, and I'm white.

*(Sometimes it seems like almost half of my interaction with other people consists of rap music people getting angry at me, and they don't get angry at black people! And every time I hear angry rap music I know that they want to kill me because I'm white. So, yeah, even me. And I'm white.)*

If you're in America, you've probably gone through people being angry at you because of race.

I don't know if it helps, but maybe it will: we all go through it. All races. People of all races in America have people getting angry at them about race.

So you're not alone. We're all going through it together.

I hope this helps. Because that's the only reason I wrote it: in hopes that it helps someone.

And remember that throughout most of history people did not give a rat's ass about race. Including most places in the world today.

In Shakespeare's day, in Plato's day... in Japan today, in India today, in Germany and France and Italy today... throughout most of history. And in most places in the world today.

They don't give a rat's ass about your race.

I hope that helps.

If it doesn't, or even if it does, I'm sorry. I really am. You all deserve better.

And you'll get better. This is not forever. It is only for now. You're children's children will not have to put up with it. It'll get better.

In a hundred years no one will care anything about race here in America, any more than they do in Japan or India today. It will get better.

And I'd bet it will get a lot better in your lifetime.

So let's all have hope.


David S. Annderson