1Z-7: And so I reach out in the name of Christ

As a Liberal American I would like to reach out to traditional Christians in America in the name of Liberal America.

Welcome, friend. Welcome to our bright and shining community.

Everyone is welcome here.

I too am a believing Christian. Not everyone in Liberal America is, but all Christians are welcome here.

Liberal America does not believe in Jesus as the Son of God. But Liberal America does believe in Jesus as a Philisopher. We believe in Jesus as we believe in Socrates.

We also support a person's right to believe in Christ the Son of God. I believe in Jesus the Son of God, not just Jesus the philosopher, and I am welcome in Liberal America.

You are welcome in Liberal America too!

Liberal America supports the rights of the Church, not as a supporter of the Church, but as a supporter of religious freedom. The Church too is welcome in Liberal America.

So welcome. It's high time our two sides join together in leading America through the hardship toward the light.

Together we can make it.

Welcome, friend.

Your friend, Liberal and fellow Christian,

David S. Annderson