I Am A Hard Core Moderate

I believe in Arnold Schwarzenegger

A Republican who married a Kennedy

Who then listened to us as Governor

When the Democrats are the party of Kennedy

And the Republicans are the party of Eisenhower

All of America will be free!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P. S. I pledged this elsewhere on my website... I am a Democrat, but the next time a John McKain gets the Republican nomination for President, he has my vote!

He does not have to support the Democrat side on any issues. He only has to be kind And stand up for kindness against meanness!

You restore kindness to both sides, then they can talk things out like gentlemen and ladies and the issues will be resolved just fine!

Especially since in many issues, both sides are part right* and the two sides can learn a lot from each other!

*(or both sides are completely 100% right in not too few cases!)