1Z-7: To Gay People and lesbians: Be Proud of your Self-control

What makes gay people different? Only who they are sexually attracted to.

Well, sex can only harm people if you lack self-control.

Be proud of your self-control!

There are plenty of straight people who have poor self-control when it comes to sex! How many times do you see some guy being rude to some poor woman?

If you're like 95% of all gay people, you have shown good self-control, if only out of fear.

You never see gay people making catcalls to other guys! Or lesbians making catcalls to other women!

Be proud of your good self-control!

You're acting the way Jesus wants you to act!

You're not the one making other people feel uncomfortable!

But the people who pick on you sure are!

I know whose side Jesus would celebrate!

I know which side is acting more like a holy monk!

Sex only can harm someone if you show poor self-control.

Be proud of your self-control!

Because there are a lot of people out there who show poor self-control, and they are the people who should be ashamed of themselves, not you!

Be proud!


David S. Annderson

P.S. If you're straight and you have shown good self-control, then of course you be proud of your good self-control too! We kind people should stick together! Thank you!