Burgers and Fries and Cherry Pies, things were simple and good back then... and then is now!

Yesterday I was in a little neighborhood place that sells burgers and fries and breakfasts and stuff like that, a friendly little neighborhood place inside a large convinence store that is close enough for me to walk to, ordering a chicken sandwich and fries, when the words to this old song came back to me:

"Burgers and fries and cherry pies, things were simple and good back then"

And I looked around me and said, yeah, we still have that!

I have burgers and fries and cherry pies, friendly neighborhood vibes and all that right here!

Those things never went away!

You just need to know where to find them!

Look for a nice little neighborhood place near you!

Those simple and good things are still with us!

And yes, those old times that were simple and good in our memories, those old times had problems and stresses too!

These good times are as good as any we ever had!

Unlike in the 1950's, segregation does not exist in America anymore!

Unlike in 1979, things are good in Poland and Bulgaria!

These times are as good as any!

And for some people, these times are better than any in the last hundred years or more!

For we are progressing too, even if we have not progressed all the way!

Today when I find burgers and fries and cherry pies, my 'white' ass and my 'black' friends can sit together, and today those good things have returned to Poland and Bulgaria!

Most of the people who work at and visit my little neighborhood place are 'black', and for them things are way better than they were in the 1950's!

We are progressing, and there is lots of hope!

And those simple and good things not only are still with us if we know where to look, but since 1979 they have returned to places like Poland and Bulgaria!

So yeah, things were simple and good back then- and then is now!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson