Do your ears hang low?

Do your ears hang low?

Do they wobble to and fro?

Can you tie them in a knot?

Can you tie them in a bow?

Can you throw them over your shoulder

like a continental soldier?

Do your ears hang low?

Do your eyes hang low?

Do they wobble to and fro?

Can you see back where you've been

But not where you want to go?

Can you cover up your eyes?

Can you see a big surprise?

Do your eyes hang low?

Do your ears swing wide?

Do they swing from side to side?

Do they generate a wind

that can blow you up the slide?

Do they cover up your shoulder

And your back til you grow older?

Do your ears swing wide?

Do your ears stand high?

Do they stand up to the sky?

Do they stand up in the wind

Where the birdies like to fly?

Do the birdies make their nests

in your ears so high?

Do your ears stand high?

Does your nose hang low?

Does it wobble to and fro?

Can it pick up sticks and stones

And logs for you to throw?

Does it grow long and strong?

Can it trumpet out a song?

Does your nose hang low?

Does your hair hang low?

Does it wobble to and fro?

Does it cover up your eyes so you can't see where you should go?

Does it grow so long and tangled

covers you from every angle?

Does your hair hang low?

Do your ears stand high?

Do your ears swing wide?

Do your eyes hang low?

Do your ears hang low?

And yes, my hair hangs low, like a good Hippy's should!

David S. Annderson