If they want to investigate Biden over the documents... go ahead!

I just wanted to say, that I am a Liberal Democrat... but if Republicans want to investigate Biden over the classified documents he misplaced, they have my blessing!

Fair's fair, no one is above the law!

And I want this to be something that can be an olive branch from me to Republicans, my little part to heal the wounds!

We are living in a difficult time here in America in early 2023!  Every little bit helps!

I would never vote against someone for wanting to investigate Biden the way we are currently investigating Trump!

Fair's fair, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, and the only thing Democrats have to fear is if we resist and refuse!

We don't need Biden!  What we Democrats need is to be on the side of fairness and justice!

What we need is to be willing to take ourselves what we put Trump through, as a show of good faith to Republicans!

After all, in an investigation, the truth will come out, and if Biden was irresponsible, we don't want to rely on him!

So here's my olive branch: if they want to investigate Biden, they have my support!  Fair's fair!

God loves you!  No matter which way you vote!  And so do I!


David S. Annderson