Isaac Asimov's First Law of Robotics

Most of Isaac Asimov's robot stories concern the first law of Robotics.

A Robot should not harm a person or, through inaction, allow a person to come to harm.

That's the highest principle in morality!

Thou shalt not harm another person or, through inaction, allow another person to come to harm.

That's the highest law of human morality!

Isaac Asimov devoted most of his robot stories, a large part of his science fiction repertoire, to examining the consequences of following the highest law in human morality!

Now do you think they should be giving out nobel prizes to science fiction and fantasy writers?

Too late- unless you can give them out to Asimov and Tolkien this many years after their death!

By contrast, most prizes for literature today are given out for works examining things in society that did not even exist 300 years ago, and probably will not exist anymore 200 years from now- in many cases, things that are only relavent to a small part of the world today!

Like race in America- no one in Japan or France today gives a fig about race! No one 300 years ago cared about race! So much writing on a provincial local problem of modern America, when Asimov spent much of his career examining the consequences of following the highest law in human morality!

Let's not be provincials! These problems will fade away with our era! The things Asimov and Tolkien write about will always be relevant and true!

God loves you! Keep your head held high!


David S. Annderson