To Republicans (2023): Why do you want vengeance against us Democrats?

We're just another political party, just like you.

History shows that the one-party system does not work.    We need more than one political party.  The more the better.

But so many of you voted for Donald Trump because he promised vengeance against Democrats for putting a Democrat in the White House.

And now that we have a Democrat in the White House again, what do you do?

The moment you get the slightest foothold in Congress again- largely on the economy, for that matter- you are out there to impeach Biden.

For what?!

For something Hunter Biden did?

Hunter Biden is an adult!

Hunter Biden is not a child anymore!

Joe Biden is not legally responsible for him!!!

No.  They just want to have their vengeance on Democrats.

But you don't have to be that way.

It's not too late!

Put vengeance out of your mind!

Just let politics be for a while!

Let other people deal with it!

There is no pressing crisis that needs a political solution!

The crisis is that you need a break from politics!

We need to save people like you!

You are hurting, and you don't deserve to hurt!

Let the politics go, leave it to the rest of us, and rest your mind!

Rest your mind!

Vengeance will not heal your mind!

Rest will!

I love you, like I love all God's children!

Take it easy, just rest yourself!

God loves you, and so do I!  Don't ever doubt that!


David S. Annderson