1Z-1: you can always choose to be happy. Here's how

First of all, you can always choose to be happy, but it isn't easy. So if you fail to choose to be happy, it isn't because you can't, it's because it's very hard.

You keep trying. You keep trying to choose to be happy. And that part of you will get stronger and stronger, until one day, you will succeed in choosing to be happy.

And when you succeed in choosing to be happy, this is what it'll be like.

You will still feel bad. You will still feel pain.

But you will succeed in ignoring the pain and being at peace.

The pain will not get to you. You will feel it, but it will not matter. It will not get to you. You will be detatched from it.

You will succeed in ignoring the pain, and taking a nice rest.

You will have a nice rest.

Not anything spectacular. You can save the spectacular things until the bad mood passes and you are in a good mood.

Just a nice, peaceful rest.

You will succeed in ignoring the pain, and you will have a nice, peaceful rest.

And the pain will pass over you like a storm, or a wave at the beach. It will wash over you. And it will pass.

And you will be taking a nice rest the whole time.

That is what it means to choose to be happy anyway.

The bad mood will come. But you will choose to ignore it, even as it happens, and take a nice rest.

And that will be your happiness.


David S. Annderson

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