To Vegetarians: Have pity on those of us who are too poor and need too much protein to afford your lifestyle (I sometimes hurt so bad when I have a little gas, so beans every day is out) 2019: I now know that really means tell me where you get your protein, don't just say I hate being asked that question, we need information

I will leave the rest of this up so you know I really have given this some thought

Even though this page is now obselete

The answer to the question of how to be a vegetarian (an answer, anyway (turns out it's easy if you have a vegetarian friend to learn from!)), which I learned from my friend Sierra, is in the next entry down in the menu on the side of the page, and in page 1Z-6 in the main menu near the top of the menu on the side of the page

Now, if I could meet an expert (such as Beorn from The Hobbit) and get advice, I'm sure I could

go vegetarian despite my budget and high protein needs, but I'm afraid I haven't found a website

that addresses my specific needs. Sorry. I do love animals so!!!!! :'( =(If I could solve the protein problem,

giving up most plant foods where you have to kill the plant (mostly roots and celery) would be easy, I

eat little of these as it is)= -(Maybe it's a technique I need, not a food... just to avoid pain- but

something a 6-year-old could do, I am human and I can still only cook with a microwave...)-

--(oh good Lord Jesus can't you make these complications and issues go away I'm no good at this in the solid world...)--

(Sorry) (But it did make me feel better!!!)

What we need is a lot of stores that sell low-cost high-protein vegetarian food that won't give you painful gas.

I wish I could start a chain of such stores to help people like me go Vegetarian. I'd call it 'David's Low-Cost

High Protein Vegetarian Food That Won't Give You painful Gas Store'. Why Not? If it's techniques for avoiding

pain with gassy foods that are needed, we'd teach them, and people would know where to find the food!


I just read about a famous writer who considered eating meat to be comparable to the Holocaust.

Well, other writers have endlessly declared that all us white folk are to blame for the Holocaust, and his stories show an attitude of being unwilling to forgive anyone of anything, so I should dismiss him as another cruel wanna-be intellectual* who thinks he's better than us average joes. But I can't.

I am too weak to go vegetarian.

let me explain what 'too weak' means.

I am poor. I am happy (usually), but I can't afford fancy vegetarian food.

I also need large amounts of protein, or within a day I will feel weak and get headaches. That means beans and rice.

Lots of beans and rice.

We could never afford enough eggs to keep me feeling healthy.

Well, too much beans gives me a sore stomach.

(Especially with all the Salsa- I am weak and like to enjoy my food, and that means loads of wonderful Salsa!)

And that author, well, he never told us how we would afford a decent vegetarian diet on very little money. (Being highly successful, he obvously had no idea of living with little money.)

If I were like my Mom, and needed little protein, I could go vegetarian just like her.

But I'm not.

Well, could I endure eating lots of beans and getting a sore stomach for a lifetime?

Yes. --(2017: Scratch that- No. Not anymore...)--

But I'd rather die.

And I'd REALLY rather just keep on living my life as I do now!!!!!!!!!!

So, you see, unlike my Mom, who needs little protein, or this author, who had much more money than me- he was famous, after all-

Well, unlike them, I am weak.**

(**2017: honestly, no, I'm not. I'm just not getting any cooperation. I'm sorry, but all you vegetarians

should keep quiet about it until you are ready to tell us HOW to go vegetarian. I mean, it's not like

there are a lot of vegetarian stores out there. As you can see from this letter, I feel bad enough

already. No one likes a game of Secret, Secret, I've Got a Secret, especially with guilt attatched.

I'm sorry, I really am, but it's the truth. Just tell us how, or don't talk about it. As I said, I'm not

as strong as God.)(***and it's not very Hippy of you to keep secrets and use guilt like that!!!!!

(More like a Big Media Capitalist!!!) I should know, I'm as Hippy as they go!)

As for the rest of you, it's good enough just to try your best, just like I do. (If you have gone vegetarian, congradulations!)

Just ignore people like that writer who expect weak people like me to be equal in strength to God.

Because that's God's job.

Thanks for listening.

David S. Annderson

p.s - Thank you so much to all of you who care, you are precious and make this a wonderful world to live in, despite cruel people like that author... you really do make a difference! (And if you CAN go vegetarian, and have, congratulations and thanks! If we meet maybe you can give me a few tips...)

*p.s. again- please don't think that good, honest intellectuals are mean like that- they aren't. They're good kind people like most of us, who are searching for Truth.