Milla Jovovich in The Fifth Element

The Fifth Element is one of my favorite movies.

It is just so creative, and escapist, and weird, in a most wonderful way.

And along with the filmmaker and author of the movie Luc Besson, no one deserves more praise and accolades for this movie them the female lead, Milla Jovovich, who plays the otherworldly, almost angelic, Leeloo.

The character of Leeloo was concieved as an interesting one, one that would be very, very difficult to play.

She is from an idealistic place beyond our world, concieved as someone who is not inexperienced, is not a child, but fully mature, perhaps more than Bruce Willis's main character even, but who is from a harmonious idealistic other place, with absolutely no experience and very little knowledge either of our universe or of sin.

One who is supposed to be otherworldly, one who is supposed to be a mature, adult person but completely without experience and little knowledge of our universe as we know it, or of sin and roughness and the bad things of the world.

People don't understand that Leeloo is not supposed to be a child, is not supposed to be born yesterday.

She is mature, and experienced, more than most characters in the movie, but from a world completely unlike our own.

She has not been born yesterday; she has come into our universe yesterday from her own very different realm.

Like someone born and raised in Heaven who is not a superhuman wonder but an intelligent, compassionate, well-educated ordinary shmo with no experience and little knowledge of our own universe, coming into our universe for the first time, or for the first time in 5,000 years since our universe was very, very different and scarcely like it is now.

Milla Jovovich not only pulls this very, very difficult thing off, but she also gives a performance of a character who beneath that is a living, breathing person, a real person, and one who is quirky just like the movie itself.

This has to be one of The acting performances of all time.

All the more so because her character is as delightfully quirky as the movie itself, about as far from an untouchable otherworldly blandness as one could possibly imagine!

And her character has her own moment of doubt, just like the rest of us, just like Bruce Willis's lead character does.

Like Bruce Willis's character, Milla Jovovich's Leeloo is a flawed person with doubts just like us who is thrown together with Bruce Willis's character, and together they save the world.

Milla Jovovich gave such a performance in this movie!

In such a difficult kind of character to pull off!

A huge highlight in a great fun creative movie, a great fun movie, that, like the best Indiana Jones movies, is mostly just a really great and creative fun movie, but which definitely has, just like the best Indiana Jones movies, some profoundness and depth along with the fun and thrills!

A huge highlight of a great fun movie, and my two cents!

God loves you!  Don't forget to have fun, and look to the light!


David S. Annderson